The only way to protect our planet...

Changing agricultural practices and increased farming intensification have led to large-scale losses and degradation of bee habitats – one of the main threats to their survival - IUCN

We are committed to environmental sustainability through awareness raising and practical engagements on environmental issues. SDG2030 Achievable goal

About the SDGs
In the business of environmental management, no one should be left out

We all have a role to play in saving our planet. Every little action you take will go a long to help protect and conserve our species.

Our Vision

To raise champions of environmental stewardship in every household.

Our Mission

To foster a peaceful living through care for the environment and nature, youth empowerment, public education and research.

In focus

New publication

The report on our recently ended project dubbed Climate Harmony is available now. During the project period we embarked on a series of activities.

Click on the link below to download a full report.

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